About Us

PURPOSE: The purpose of this brand is to provide women with a means to Flaunt their GirlPowers to the world! Our top mottos are, "Be Your Own Hero", "Love Yourself", Raise a Warrior, Not a Victim". We want all women/girls to be proud of who they are and to express themselves freely without judgment! 
ORIGIN STORY:  I am raising my daughter to be a Warrior (not a princess). As Parents we need to prepare our kids for what the world can throw at them.
Confidence, Strength, Independence, Awareness, Instinct, Common Sense, all the skills that a woman needs to survive in this world. Skills that I was never given as a child, but I made damn sure my girl did.  
      That’s exactly what I was teaching my daughter when I started this project 5 years ago. Summer before she started middle school, signed her up for Jiu-Jitsu to help her gain confidence and give her the much needed self-defense skills that ALL GIRLS should have. The environment was so addicting. The positive energy, the girl empowerment. I was truly inspired.
     Warrior Goddess Apparel was originally created in 2014. I was a single mom, working hard, wanting to make some extra money. I literally knew nothing about websites or designing but I worked my ideas out in ppt. Few years passed and I kept building my designs and eventually worked with a few designers to redo my designs & ideas into proper design files to create my t-shirt empire!    

If you are a mama bear or just a parent in general, I've included something I wrote a few years ago when I started my journey. This isn't published and I am NOT a writer or a child psychiatrist person. I am just a mom. 

Protecting Our Children, Is Preparing Our Children